Women’s Center

The Women’s Center assists survivors of abuse, while working to reduce domestic and sexual violence in our community

The Women’s Center provides advocacy, counseling, and crisis-intervention for survivors of domestic and sexual abuse. We collaborate within the community to provide comprehensive supports for individuals and families. We improve community response and understanding of interpersonal violence by offering training, consultation, and education.


Our 24-hour HelpLine (508-675-0087) provides assistance with safety-planning, and crisis-intervention for domestic violence. We offer advocacy services at our main office, as well as at the Fall River Police Department and both Fall River courts. We provide outreach and safety planning for victims, assist with restraining order applications, and provide comprehensive referrals for services that increase security and stability. We offer free, confidential, services for people of all genders and backgrounds. Services are provided to men and women and are provided regardless of documentation and insurance.


We offer individual and group counseling, based on client-centered empowerment models of care. Our counselors specialize in trauma-informed therapies with expertise in healing the impacts of domestic and sexual violence. We provide care with the highest levels of confidentiality and respect for each person’s unique needs.

Contact info:

24-hour Helpline: 508-675-0087

Beth LeComte, LICSW, Director

Email: [email protected]

Looking for a shelter statewide after-hours?

Call: 877-785-2020
Chat: https://www.mass.gov/info-details/massachusetts-safelink-resources

The Women’s Center Clothesline Project

Women’s Center at SSTAR programs are supported, in part, by the following: The Massachusetts Office for Victim Assistance through a Victims of Crime Act of 1984 (VOCA) grant from the Office for Victims of Crime, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice and/or funding from grants of the state administered SAFEPLAN program; The Massachusetts Executive Office of Health and Human Services, through the Department of Public Health, Community-based Domestic Violence Programs; and the Greater Fall River United Way. The Women’s Center is also a member program of Jane Doe Inc, the Massachusetts Domestic Violence Coalition.


Our staff offer services in English, Spanish, and Portuguese. We also provide translation supports for ASL and many other languages.

We are committed to helping you determine what is true and healthy for you. You don’t have to believe your partner is abusive, you don’t have to want to leave. You only need the desire to improve your life and learn more about healthy relationships.

We also offer advocacy and counseling supports for family members. It can be beneficial to speak with a counselor about your concerns for your child, explore which responses are often counter-productive or helpful, and what safety-planning assistance you may need.

Our crisis intervention staff have experience working with both trauma and substance use. They will help guide you to the services that can provide you with the best supports. Every situation is unique, every person deserves an individual response.

We are dedicated to providing culturally-competent services, with the intention of providing high-quality care for all people. We recognize the important links between intimate and communal violence. We are committed to offering services that address all levels of violence, oppression, and objectification. We understand this work requires humility, mindfulness, and a willingness to continually question our assumptions and remain open to dialogue.

We do not run a domestic violence shelter, but work with SAFELINK (877-785-2020) the Massachusetts Statewide Domestic Violence Shelter Hotline to assist individuals and families in need of confidential emergency shelter. We also work with SSTAR Rapid Access Center to assist survivors in need of inpatient detox services. We have partnered with the Greater Fall River United Way to locate emergency SafeHome services for those at high risk for harm.
