SSTAR Prevention

About Us:

The SSTAR (Stanley Street Treatment and Resources) Prevention Program supports young people and their families by utilizing data informed strategies to implement and evaluate programming, policy, and practice change to areas in Fall River, Taunton, and the surrounding cities and towns. All the work and collaboration efforts through SSTAR Prevention are grounded in Positive Youth Development. Positive Youth Development builds on the strengths of individuals and families to create healthier communities. Our prevention efforts emphasize the importance of physical and mental health and wellness. 

BOLDER Coalition Mission, Vision, Guiding Principles, and Involvement:

Mission: The mission of SSTAR Prevention’s BOLDER (Building our Lives Determined Empowered and Resilient) Coalition is to focus on enhancing protective factors that help build better communities, support families, and promote health and wellness initiatives that specifically address substance use prevention and positive youth development from ages birth to eighteen.

Vision: The vision of BOLDER is to create healthier communities for the youth and families of Fall River, Taunton, and surrounding cities and towns. BOLDER aims to foster inclusivity and diversity by incorporating the eight *Prevention Principles into youth substance use prevention initiatives. BOLDER empowers individuals from a wide variety of community sectors to adopt best practices as well as utilize data informed strategies to implement and evaluate programming, policy, and practice change. 

*Prevention Principles:

The MassCALL3 initiative is intended to replace and build upon the foundation established through previous BSAS prevention grants. This funding integrates all aspects of programming from previous BSAS prevention funding, in the development of a comprehensive strategic plan that guides community-based prevention initiatives. To achieve these goals, funded programs are expected to incorporate a restorative prevention framework that embraces Racial Equity, Trauma-informed service provision, Positive Youth Development, Intersectionality, Cultural Humility, Restorative Justice, Collective Impact, and building and sustaining the leadership of people of color into their operations and programming. 

Coalition Membership and Representation: The BOLDER Coalition has representatives from different sectors of the community: youth, parents, business, media, schools, law enforcement, faith and youth serving organizations, civic groups, healthcare professionals and governmental agencies. We encourage all who are committed to the betterment of the lives of young people and their families to join us! Contact any of the below representatives for ways to get involved.

Social Media, Marketing Projects, and Campaigns:

BOLDER Coalition Social Media: Follow BOLDER on Facebook and Instagram.

SSTAR Prevention’s MeB4Use campaign is a social marketing campaign that strives to increase resiliency and create opportunities to make healthier choices.

Education and Resources:

Prevention Videos:

Prevention Resources:

